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L4Y : Half a decade on...
Posted Nov 27th, 01:38pm by Garner
Modified Nov 27th, 01:39pm by Garner
Today marks 5 years since L4Y quietly opened its doors back on 27th November 2000.
Things have certainly changed around here in that time, 5 years is a very long time and yet it still feels like yesterday in some respects.

As has been custom for L4Y on reaching each birthday, here are some stats for the past year;
There have been 19.9m page views, up slightly from 17.3m last year, taking the total in L4Y's history to 50.9m. In the 5 months since the switch to the new look site we've had 260k downloads and 8.6m hits.

Once more, thanks to all the staff over the years for helping out and to all of you reading this for being here

Here's to another 5 years!
Molodiets   Posted 27th Nov 2005 1:49pm
L4Y Member
Post 852 / 2687

Happy birthday to you Levels4you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.

And congratulation Garner.

Next step. Make it profitable.
thorn   Posted 27th Nov 2005 2:01pm
L4Y Member
Post 171 / 246

Garner    Posted 27th Nov 2005 2:21pm
Post 1785 / 4125
Quoting molodiets
Next step. Make it profitable.

Well I figure after running this place at a loss for 5 years, its time to try and simply break even first...

Donations, L4YGold and the ads have slowed the loss - 2004 saw a total loss of just under $1600 whilst we're currently looking at roughly only $1200 loss for 2005 (still 1 month to go obviously).

It may look like only $400, but as the servers cost $500 more this year over last its nearer to $900.

The recent file server switch will reduce the server bills over the coming year by $420 and that coupled with the slowly increasing numbers subscribing to L4YGold and the ads - 2006 looks hopeful that for the first time L4Y will actually come close to breaking even.
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
SkipRat    Posted 27th Nov 2005 2:27pm
Post 1081 / 3024
Quoting Predalienator_
You deleted my post

Can you be more annoying?

Nice one garner!

I hope you can make as much money as you can without ruining it for the tight arses like me

Hope its still going for another 5 years!
Mostertman    Posted 27th Nov 2005 3:26pm
Post 779 / 2820
First of, congratulations!

Quoting Garner
Once more, thanks to all the staff over the years for helping out and to all of you reading this for being here

what about thanking the people that visit the site?
Garner    Posted 27th Nov 2005 3:43pm
Post 1786 / 4125
Quoting Predalienator_
You deleted my post

If you could define spam, your post was it. As was this one of yours as well...

Quoting Mostertman
what about thanking the people that visit the site?

Last time I checked...

Quoting Garner
Once more, thanks [snip] to all of you reading this for being here

Covered that?
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
 Modified Nov 27th, 03:46pm by Garner

Mostertman    Posted 27th Nov 2005 3:52pm
Post 780 / 2820
Oops my bad.

Thank you for thanking us

I'm glad to be here.
KERPAL   Posted 27th Nov 2005 4:39pm
L4Y Member
Post 168 / 1353

Wow, I never knew L4y was going on that long and I've only been here for a year. Well anyways happy birthday L4y
Halloween4   Posted 27th Nov 2005 5:01pm
L4Y Member
Post 25 / 55

Happy Birthday to L4Y & well done to all the staff for keeping up their good work, MAGIC.
All the Best: Halloween4    Modified Nov 27th, 06:30pm by Halloween4
DVL_IAC   Posted 27th Nov 2005 8:05pm
L4Y Member
Post 579 / 1417

Happy B-Day L4Y!!
My Main Youtube Page - My Second Youtube Page - My Files - My Deviant Art    Modified Nov 27th, 08:12pm by DVL_IAC
Vidi44   Posted 27th Nov 2005 9:07pm
L4Y Member
Post 440 / 668

How To Make L4Y More Profitable
A Satirical Look

A few suggestions to the big G on how to make L4Y more profitable in less than months 3:

Outsource it to Asia -We all know them thar folks done got other computer-based jobs, so why not L4Y? While its there, we can quickly convert it to a previously-unknown dialect of Chinese and watch as the Chinese gvmt censors the Canada out of all our posts (except mine, because they plan to kill me )

Increase the power of PC -"I cannae do it!" is not an excuse Mr. Garner. If we extend PC's power beyond the limits of here, more folks will come in. Conviniently, a console version of PC is currently being developed and will be widely distributed throughout the Internet

Make PC:Online pay-only for new members -If PC:CE is a spiffy keen success, make all new members pay for access, and increase the cost of Gold. Existing L4Y members would of course be spared the expense, and the Gold status for them would remain 5 usd.

Tell Google how many folks come here every day -Surely they'd give you a spiffier rate for your ads. Either that or switch your AdSense method to "pay per view" (or equivalence) if not done already (there's two kinds of Google AdSense: pay per click (must click on ad for payment given to site) and pay per view (must simply load the ad for site to get money)).

Put sponsored links on the site -sure, Google may pay you something, but surely if you and a few folks in the gaming community get together, you can make some good money. Get the big 3: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft; to advertise specially on here. Promise them things like a base of almost 2 million users and 12 million page views a day: they'll be coming soon enough.

Hire a mercenary squad to take out the opposition -Sure, RedTech and the rest are good and all that, but they're taking users from you. Hire the SEFOTRF to take them out while the getting's good. Once they're gone, you'll instantly triple your membership.

Integrate several smaller gaming sites to L4Y -RedFactionView and RedTech are good enough, but they'd be better if they were all under L4Y. Same goes for the other gaming sites. Once they've integrated, shut down their former pages and use the servers to host PC.

Send some people to annoy the Canada out of the other sites -You don't like these people as it is, so why not send them to take out the competition by annoying the Canada out of them? Send Predalienator_, Vidi44, SkipRat, Molodiets, Mostertman, and a few others all over to rival sites and they'll destroy their user base. Once they start to leave those sites, conviniently put a link to L4Y and promise that they are banned (we'll promise to be good, and maybe you could set us up with some spiffy new accounts so folks don't know who we are).

Buy a giant birthday cake and put a Censored in it -Then invite all the rich perverts you can think of, and let the 40-year-old lady of the evening do her horrendous act (being as preverted as they are, they won't go blind, and may actually enjoy it). Of course, you'll have to burn Canada out of the building you held that party in, and you'll have to be sure you're at least 500 miles away, but it should prove prosperous.

Buy drinks for everyone -The more inebriated you are, the more likely you are to pay for Gold.

Get Skiprat his "supplies" -Just go down to the local "pharmacy" and buy him his "supplies", he'll either hug you or something, or he'll give you all his money. Being that the local "pharmacist" would think you're a first-timer, he'll give you some nice discounts, so this shouldn't cost you hardly anything in the long run. If he refuses, at least you'll have one good night

Invest in a time-share server -We all just love timeshares, so why not timeshare the L4Y server? For say 10 usd a month, open the server (why not just use the old decaying one?) to the public and let them host what all they want. To ensure Los Federales don't interfere, redesignate L4Y as a pornography site, they won't interfere then.

Redesignate L4Y as a porno site -Sure, not all of us are of age, but given the fact that its easier to find porn than it is to avoid it, it won't matter. Then, charge a cover charge for all entrants and have a go at it. What could be better than porn and gaming side-by-side (aside from a real woman, which we are all (due to our gaming nature) horribly deprived of)?

Create a live-chat for L4Y -Then charge for every message given. To lure people in, say that they somehow need a credit card to get there. Once in, charge them .01 usd for every message sent. Soon enough, L4Y will be rolling in the green, and hopefully the poor Censored who fall for it won't read their next bill.

Designate L4Y as a religious sanctuary -Get some nice tax relief from the government, and make L4Y look like something people go to other than just to feed their hopeless addiction to gaming and porn (well, if you enacted the "Redesignate L4Y to a porn site" idea).

License PC to anyone other than THQ -Because THQ will drop support for it. If Violition could get someone else to sponsor them, PC would instantly be the best thing since L4Y's redesignation as a religious sanctuary/porn site/time-share server/informant site for impending drug busts on Skiprat/"protector" of other sites (aren't mercs/the Mafia great?).

Edit this entire post -Replace it with "Vidi44- The newest deleted member by Garner.

Garner: killing members since 2000. Total killed: 400,000 and climbing".
"Don't go there. It's ugly, and it never stops being ugly."
"Naps are good" - Visual C++.NET for Dummies, page 1  
 Modified Nov 27th, 09:13pm by Vidi44
sobe    Posted 27th Nov 2005 9:44pm
Post 920 / 3194

And, Happy Birthday L4Y!

Also, to agree or not agree with Vidi44.....
"Apparently, Plaintiff believes that he could sue an egg company for fraud for labeling a carton of 12 eggs a dozen, because some bakers would view a dozen as including 13 items." - Western Digital 2006    
CommanderViper   Posted 27th Nov 2005 10:38pm
L4Y Member
Post 254 / 423

To Vidi44:

To L4Y: Happy Birfday! Yay!
"I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then." -Master Control Program    
OutlawSkot33    Posted 27th Nov 2005 10:51pm
Post 803 / 1292
Vidi: What the, lol though

To Garner: Your child is growing up. Its only 5 and its already a teenager's personality! XD
snail_master   Posted 27th Nov 2005 10:54pm
L4Y Member
Post 79 / 83

been mooching off the site for years now with out giving anything back, steeling it's band width with poor quality levels and everything I'm sorry. but happy birth day!!
I knew there was a reason for my grotesque appearance    
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