Posted Sep 6th, 11:54pm by MSM1000 Modified Sep 7th, 10:24am by MSM1000
Well it seems that 75% (198/268) of us, use and anti-virus program! - Which is good!
Only 6 people thought they were too expensive and 12 people want decided they had no need for one. (= ~5%)
BUT it seems that 20%, just cant be bothered to install one. ;/
Posted 7th Sep 2003 12:01am
L4Y Resident Post 0 / 5258
I'm the stupid non-user ;/
I have one installed but only using it when I KNOW that this file isn't save ( know what I mean)
Anti Virus software taking too much performance. Longer loading times and slower folder browsing.
It hurts more on slower HDs like mine..
¤ MARS WARS 3! - Red Faction revamped on the unreal engine. Superiority ¤
Posted 7th Sep 2003 12:33am
Welcome! Post 0 / 3
I have Norton and
Its very very good but eats the RESOURCES up.
I use 1 just to be safe!
Posted 7th Sep 2003 2:00am
Welcome! Post 0 / 8
Ive never used to use one untill the free AVG antivirus was recommended to me, you can get it from now you have no excuse You can take a months free trial on version 7 still and then go back to version 6. which is totally free, and you still get all the important updates.
You discuss other means of resolve while i discuss firepower with my gun
I use Norton AV Pro 2K3.. in conjunction with Norton Personal FW Pro 2K3.. they are awesome... put those behind a decent hardware firewall and you are almost impervious.
I use Norton AV Pro 2K3.. in conjunction with Norton Personal FW Pro 2K3.. they are awesome... put those behind a decent hardware firewall and you are almost impervious.
what's your IP please:
¤ MARS WARS 3! - Red Faction revamped on the unreal engine. Superiority ¤
Posted 7th Sep 2003 3:53am
L4Y Member Post 0 / 220
You could do a DOS to my IP, but I don't think you could do much else.
I only have about 6 ports open in both the software and hardware firewalls, and I have about 98% of the WinXP services turned off.
Not saying that I can't be hacked or anything.. just trying to make it as difficult as possible.
I've never had any serious problems here and I have to save my resources..
I'll have to live with it.
btw when I had a firewall I got attacked. Whatever that means..I don't think that it was true because I'm running now for years without it and my computer is still running so it cant be true that somebody attacks me on exactly the same day I've installed a firewall. (I deleted it because the stupid questions "allow this one" "dont allow this one")
¤ MARS WARS 3! - Red Faction revamped on the unreal engine. Superiority ¤
I deleted it because the stupid questions "allow this one" "dont allow this one"
bad Froggy, Since I installed McAfee, I've stopped or should I say I've been warned about hackers for a numerous times. I have nothing sensitive so even if i got hack. I would lose nothing.