An amazing number of you would rather be a pornstar (215) than Superman (28) when you grow up. What is the world coming to? Wait don't answer that.
In the new poll I am wondering with the holidays fast approching, which are you most looking forward to? Some people hate the holidays, some wait all year for the "big" ones.
So vote and let us know which one you have your heart set on.
Posted 2nd Nov 2003 11:17pm
Post 0 / 5840
Quoting GrimReaper
What you couldn't make a living at it without the proper equipment.
Naw, it was my morals that got in the way.
Also I might add, O U C H !
Quoting Kiliad
Actually most of our public holidays are celebrated the same way. Get drunk, urinate in the town fountain and then spend the night in the local lockup LOL.
I didn't know you Hosers needed a holiday to do that.
[continued from kiliad]... and if you live in regional australia you forgot to mention the redneck hicks that will pick you for a fight.
I wanted to be Batman, wasn't an option. As for these holidays ... well ... I guess ... umm it would be christmas, although if we get a public holiday for Kiliads B'day, I am in for that.
If I ever get to where I am going, will I know when I am there?