Posted Dec 16th, 08:56pm by Sorrow Modified Dec 16th, 09:12pm by Garner
Man Charged With Felony Spamming In Va.
POSTED: 12:47 p.m. EST December 12, 2003
Virginia authorities arrested Thursday a man they say is one of the world's top 10 spammers. Prosecutors said it is the first felony arrest for sending unwanted commercial e-mail
Jeremy Jaynes, 29, was arrested at his North Carolina home.
Police: World's Top Spammer Arrested
He was charged with a felony for sending more than 10,000 fraudulent e-mails in a 24-hour period. He faces four counts, each of which could carry a five-year prison sentence.
Virginia authorities said Jaynes used America Online's network to send the e-mail. AOL is based in Virginia.
Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore said that the company received enough customer complaints about the mail to raise the charges to the felony level.
AOL has said that it blocks 2 billion pieces of spam each day.
Jaynes was indicted under a state law that took effect July 1.
Good job Sorrow, it's about time they started really cracking down on spam as it is getting way out of control.
Posted 16th Dec 2003 9:06pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 193
Sorry abut that, RHF. I only saw the MS ranting in the other post
Posted 16th Dec 2003 9:07pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 101
Hurray! Kill them now!
I block around 30 spams a day, damn spammers =/
It's not an insult if it's TRUE!
Posted 16th Dec 2003 9:36pm
L4Y Resident Post 0 / 5258
I don't care about junk anymore. Clicking on a button and its deleted before I even had a look at it.
99% spam mails 1% questions about RED - 3DsMax mails
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