Released, and as expected, the beefier the better:
"... serious gamers should splurge for a GPU from nVidia's GeForce FX or 6800 line or ATI's Radeon 9800 or X800 series. He says more frugal PC owners can make do with a GeForce 5900XT or a Radeon 9600XT"
Also the Official site has fully opened up :
News Source : wrecks
Posted 21st Jul 2004 2:45am
Post 0 / 1292
Game looks sick
Posted 21st Jul 2004 3:45am
L4Y Member Post 0 / 468
Damn don't tell me I have to upgrade my GPU again!
Posted 21st Jul 2004 5:33am
Post 0 / 5840
Quoting Tor Thorsen-GameSpot
A 1.5-gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 chip or AMD Athlon 1500: Though these will run the game, Silverman suggests a 2GHz Pentium or equivalent, with the "ideal" processor being 3 GHz or over.
Great not only do I have to get a new video card, which I have been planning on doing any way. Now I have to upgrade my Gaming PC to a P4 3Ghz or higher from a P4 2.4Ghz. Which I was going to do any way.
I have never played any of the DOOM series so I might not even buy the game.
AMD does not run at 3 ghz, however their chips are more efficient... so I'm assuming they mean an Athlon 3000+ or higher. I should be fine then, with the 3200+. The GeForce 5900 might struggle a bit, but should be alright.
I can play UT2k4 on all details set to high with all details (full shadows etc) turned on and get barely any lag, so i should be able to play this.
My graphics and processor should handle it,
3.4Ghz Pentium 4 (I rechecked and learned I was mistaken, it wasnt 2.7 it was 3.4 ) and a 64mb Intel Gaming graphics card.
Posted 21st Jul 2004 8:44pm
Post 0 / 3194
Quoting OutlawSkot33
64mb Intel Gaming graphics card
That sounds integrated.Something from the mobo.I hope my pc will run it good.I got an ATI Radeon 9600XT and an AMD Athlon XP+3000.That should run the game fine
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