Well its time for yet another new Poll! The results from the last Poll are as follows:
Looking forward to the new site?
Yes Can't Wait!
36.5% with 144 Votes
No not really, its fine how it is!
11.1% with 44 Votes
What? A New Version?
29.6% with 117 Votes
I don't care! I want a Cookie!
22.8% with 90 Votes
mmmmmmmm COOKIES! im hungry now.
Well this weeks Poll is about Electronic Arts! Recently they have been putting real music into the games, and to me they have done a great job, what do you all think?
Trying frantically to avoid wave after wave of rush hour traffic in a muscle car going at Mach-Bloody-Fast while trying to ram compeditors going at Mach-Not-So-Bloody-Fast into said rush hour traffic listening to Franz Ferdinand 'This Fire' just fits!