I have heard of them but don't know
2% with 5 votes
Give me the Mario theme anyday!
20% with 49 votes
Well seems EA's soundtracks aren't too well known but are liked more than they are disliked! and those that voted for Mario... >>HERE<<
New Poll is about L4Y's forum topics!
Posted 22nd May 2005 11:59am
Post 0 / 2820
Quoting Shmageggy
If you look at the poll results most people think the site has too much spam.So I am not the only one.
WRONG! thus far most people think, the poll is pure SPAM!
and thats what it is!
Posted 22nd May 2005 12:01pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 548
Although, if even the polls are becomming spam, then that could mean there is too much, and that it is TAKING OVER L4Y!