Soon (but not nearly soon enough for us) Firaxis and Atari will release Pirates!. Though you yourself are sure to be one of the scurviest scalawags to sail the seas in this long-awaited remake of a favorite classic, there are plenty of historical pirates at work in the game.
Pirates! offers players the chance to take on the role of a privateer the Caribbean. From here, the game is pretty much up to you. You can get involved in trading, treasure hunting, ship fights, town assaults, duels and all manner of other activities. The game is wonderfully episodic and presents a variety of opportunities to the player based on context. You pick your nationality from Spanish, English, French and Dutch, a starting date, and a special talent, such as sword fighting or ship handling. Once you've created a captain, you're given a ship and a few men and tasked with charting your own course through the waters of the Caribbean and the sometimes stormier sea of European politics. Based on Sid Meier's 1987 hit of the same name.
Posted 12th Nov 2004 3:59pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 184
Arrr! A good game this should be.
I waited for a long time for this game. Sid is the king.
"May all your trails be crooked, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view; where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you."
~Edward Abbey
Posted 12th Nov 2004 6:00pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 2687
Civilization (IV) in the caribeans?
Posted 12th Nov 2004 6:48pm
Welcome! Post 0 / 6
Arr! Pirate game. Arr!
What do you do with your bobble head?
Posted 12th Nov 2004 9:24pm
L4Y Member Post 0 / 487
Well blow me down!
Larry that new avatar is just plain disturbing.......
Nah, more like Sid Meier's Pirates 2! I wouldn't expect you to have played the original ARR!
"May all your trails be crooked, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view; where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you."
~Edward Abbey