Levels-4-You Chaos League available on the net |
Posted Nov 17th, 04:41pm by Lace Modified Nov 17th, 04:43pm by Lace |
Did you miss the original(very original) sports-strategy game Chaos League when it was released this summer? Now you have a new chance to get it.
Chaos League is a sports-strategy game where orks, trolls, zombies and ohter creatures are fighting against eachother in a kind of sport that looks like american football. WOunds are regular and deaths frequent. The game was developed by the french Cyanide, and in general got good ratings all over the world. Since it was released, it has got a good community of gamers who organise matches and leagues on the net.
Cyanide has had problems getting the game released all over the world. At first, Strategy First was meant to publish the north-american version, bur this was cancelled when Strategy First got economical problems. Now Cyanide has decided to release the game online, so that everyone who wants it, can buy it (by using the PayPal system) and download it to their computer.
The game is 450 MB (zipped), and you can buy it from Cyanide's netshop, which can be found here:
* Cyanide Webshop
* Official netplace (Digital Jesters)
There is also a multiplayerdemo available here:
* 3D Gamers
* Gamers Hell
* Loaded Inc