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Demo of Children of the Nile
Posted Nov 22nd, 07:01pm by Lace
Modified Nov 22nd, 07:01pm by Lace
Now you can try to build a city on the banks of the Nile, in the demo of the new game from the creators of The Pharaoh and Caesar-series.

Children of the Nile is described as the next-generations citybuilder-game, and the bigest reason for this might be the fact that the game is simulating the life of every, single citizen in your city. The citizens are living their daily life without the need of you interfering to much, and the task of being a leader will be much more like the task of a real leader than what is usual in regular games of this type.
There are great expectations to this game, and one of the reasons are that the developers come from the now extinct Impression Games, a development company which has made some great citybuilder-games earlier. You can find if the game is living up to the expectations, by testing the just released demo.
The demo contains two scenarios ("Dawn of Civilization" and "Enlightenment"), which bth are focused on teaching the player to be a good pharaoh. The demo is a bit smaller than 200 MB, and you can get it here:

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