Posted Jun 11th, 03:59pm by General_187 Modified Jun 13th, 10:22am by Genxer
The Battlefield 2 demo is out for all of you crazy gamers!
Yes, the Battlefield 2 demo is out, and can be grabbed from basically any gaming site, such as, the demo contains 1 level, with both SP and MP support.
So go to your friendly gaming site and get it now, the file is around 500mb.
After playing the Demo for the last 2 days... I would have to say it is going to be a great game. It is very similar to the old battlefield games (where you pick your spawn point... pick your weapons/job... and have co-op tickets that count down) but its full of modern weapons. I read in the demo somewhere that in the game (coming out June 22nd) you can unlock weapons and command ranks.
I found some videos you guys can take a look at before you have to download the 550'ish meg. file! Videos
It requires Quicktime player to view them. But still, Quicktime is only 20 megs or so.