Posted Aug 23rd, 11:22pm by Foe Modified Aug 23rd, 11:25pm by DG
It seems one person who received a subpoena from the RIAA is fighting mad...and fighting back! Claiming that the RIAA subpoena violates her constitutional rights and her right to privacy.
I expect this to not be the last we hear about this as the monsters at RIAA are brought to subpoena at a time.
Good news, it was only a matter of time before someone went up against the jackasses. Now, it's only a matter of time as the case unfolds...
(And who can pay for better lawyers )
...the rumour is that the RIAA simply grabs people's IPs on networks like KaZaA without even seeing what they're sharing or if they're online etc. I wouldn't be surprised if this were so.
Posted 23rd Aug 2003 11:43pm
The one and only! L4Y Member Post 0 / 837
That is tue Mitch. Did you put in your IP on the link I have? The one for RIAA are you on the list. Check it out.