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L4Y Closing Down
Posted Mar 21st, 07:31pm by Garner
Its been going 10 and a half years but sadly the time has come to say goodbye. In the coming weeks the site will close and all files hosted here will be no more...

If you are a site owner for a game we support and would like a nice big file of everything we host for that particular game, PM me with your website address and I'll send you a link in a few days to a tar.gz and database SQL dump of the files table so you can easily catalogue it on your own site. I'd like to think the files will still be hosted somewhere... once the site shuts I'll direct people visiting here to your sites so they can find where the files ended up. Consider it a parting gift from L4Y to other community sites!

I'll still be around and L4Y will remain mine. Planetary Command will probably remain online (address to be decided still) and I'm in the final stages of an Xbox 360 indie game - you'll hear more about that here soon...

For now, I wish you all (except a certain person in Mauritius who was legally bound to buying L4Y... but never paid up ) the best in everything you do and for the thank you all for the 3767 days we were online. 136 million page views and 4.5 million downloads are nice achievements and beyond everything expected when we launched in November 2000 with Decent 3 and Delta Force. Most of you here have probably never played either... !

Roger aka "Garner"
Garner    Posted 21st Mar 2011 7:34pm
Post 4040 / 4125
As a side to the download requests from site owners... I will not provide support for the files or SQL. I'm providing the files and SQL but its up to you to know how to use them. I will not respond to any requests asking for help...
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
Sephiroth_RIC   Posted 21st Mar 2011 8:16pm
L4Y Member
Post 149 / 381

Sooooo Sooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very sad.....

-Edit: OK stopped crying now.. Well I and I'm sure many other people are truly truly grateful for this website. RedFactionplanet was the website I knew this by, back in the days and I must say that game would have not been as popular if it wasn't for this magnificent and dedicated website. Thank-you very much, I love this website and soooo sooo... *lets not start that again*. I hope and wish you the best Garner, again thank-you!

-starts downloading every redfaction file.
READ FOCTION!!!    Modified Mar 21st, 08:31pm by Sephiroth_RIC
hA Warlord   Posted 21st Mar 2011 8:57pm
L4Y Member
Post 924 / 960

Man it's sad to see it go i will really miss this place....
-waR'.se- I don't know who you are, where you are from, or what you want... But if you threaten my freedom... I'll kill you.    
ENM   Posted 21st Mar 2011 9:20pm
L4Y Member
Post 1549 / 1552

I thought the sale was done and dusted, what happened?
Look behind u Nasty People are everywhere
9 out of 10 of the voices in my head are telling me "DON'T SHOOT"
The True Galactic Lord  
goober   Posted 21st Mar 2011 10:04pm
L4Y Member
Post 114 / 265

As... strained my relations have been with L4Y at times since 03 (when I joined), I'm still greatly saddened by this news.

Thanks to Garner and all the admins that this site has seen over the past 11 years - the communities of most of the supported games have quite a lot to thank you guys for.

It's going to be sad to see everyone go, so if anyone would still like to stay in contact, FactionFiles will be staying up (for Red Faction users), anyone else is welcome to add me on any messengers (info in my profile) or email me whenever they wish.

Thanks everyone, it's been quite the ride and it's certainly sad to see it end so abruptly.
For anyone reading this in 2019 or later: The RF community is alive on the Community Discord

[Faction Files]  
Garner    Posted 21st Mar 2011 10:37pm
Post 4041 / 4125
Quoting ENM
I thought the sale was done and dusted, what happened?

The person never paid up. I have his name and address and technically could take legal action as the offer was legally binding. I'm not a lawyer nor do I fancy paying one to get anything sorted... the fees for a lawyer would probably be what the guy owes
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  

Garner    Posted 21st Mar 2011 10:39pm
Post 4042 / 4125
Quoting Sephiroth_RIC
Sooooo Sooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very sad.....

-Edit: OK stopped crying now.. Well I and I'm sure many other people are truly truly grateful for this website. RedFactionplanet was the website I knew this by, back in the days and I must say that game would have not been as popular if it wasn't for this magnificent and dedicated website. Thank-you very much, I love this website and soooo sooo... *lets not start that again*. I hope and wish you the best Garner, again thank-you!

-starts downloading every redfaction file.

I still have it was *supposed* to be pointing to the RF section of the site but it appears to be very very very broken lol
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
Garner    Posted 21st Mar 2011 10:42pm
Post 4043 / 4125
Quoting goober
As... strained my relations have been with L4Y at times since 03 (when I joined), I'm still greatly saddened by this news.

Thanks to Garner and all the admins that this site has seen over the past 11 years - the communities of most of the supported games have quite a lot to thank you guys for.

It's going to be sad to see everyone go, so if anyone would still like to stay in contact, FactionFiles will be staying up (for Red Faction users), anyone else is welcome to add me on any messengers (info in my profile) or email me whenever they wish.

Thanks everyone, it's been quite the ride and it's certainly sad to see it end so abruptly.

I'm probably going to keep the forums up myself, a place for L4Y'ers to go and keep in touch still. L4Y might loose all the files and the various games but the forums cost nothing to run - no disk space/bandwidth there at all. will live on, I'm going to keep the domain - the site as we all know it will be just be changing by dropping all the games.
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
hA Warlord   Posted 21st Mar 2011 11:38pm
L4Y Member
Post 925 / 960

Thats great Garner as long as the forums are still here i am happy
-waR'.se- I don't know who you are, where you are from, or what you want... But if you threaten my freedom... I'll kill you.    
Cyrus   Posted 22nd Mar 2011 11:49am
L4Y Member
Post 83 / 95

I cant imagine how much memories will be gone if all files are deleted and no one can host it. Been here since i started playing red faction and always played new released maps in the old times. I also checked the website every day for new files.

Anyway.. thanks for all the years with L4Y!
Best wishes for everyone of L4Y and also a big thanks to the red faction staffs especially to noclanfrank.
the silver   Posted 22nd Mar 2011 5:14pm
L4Y Member
Post 1558 / 1603

It's very sad to read theese news...

Anyway, I have two important questions:
Can you assure us that this awesome meeting place that is this forum will be kept online? Please?
And what about the game-specific subforums like etc?

Thanks in advance for your replies Garner.
Payne Effects 3 v1.4 RELEASED HERE!!!
Official ModDB Page:  
 Modified Mar 22nd, 05:17pm by the silver
Garner    Posted 22nd Mar 2011 6:31pm
Post 4046 / 4125
Forums and all posts within will be kept. You'll still be able to come here and post, read over old topics etc

The game sections will all be going but their forums should remain. You can keep visiting L4Y as normal but its not going to be the same as it is now.

To clarify... the files for each of the sites are currently being tar.gz-ed ready for distribution. All the sites you see over on the left will have a separate file (BIG in some cases - Red Faction is 17.5Gb for example).

I've already had 2 requests for Red Faction but no other games.
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
dzero247   Posted 22nd Mar 2011 6:40pm
L4Y Member
Post 23 / 23

ah well man no big u kno. i enjoyed getting my mods from here (mostly mp1 & mp2) but u do what u have to do. i figured it would happen one day with the lack of website updates or even mod updates for some of the games. good luck in all ur future endevers
Garner    Posted 22nd Mar 2011 6:59pm
Post 4047 / 4125
Reading various discussions around the net...

Sizes of the files are all not that large. I like the guess someone made of 1Tb but that was quite some way off

BF1942 : 4.1Gb
CSS : 1.6Gb
UT2003 : 5.7Gb
Max Payne 2 : 15Gb
Gears: 1.7Gb
Red Faction : 17Gb
Halo : 4.9Gb
UT2004: 21Gb
Doom3: 6.9Gb
HL2: 7.9Gb
Max Payne : 2.7Gb
CnC 3: 3Gb
Halo 2: 1.3Gb
Farcry: 6.2Gb
UT3: 9.9Gb
Team Fortress 2: 1.5Gb

Everything else is less than 1Gb.

I will not be providing the comments/reviews on files. They are tied to user accounts by ID's (so you'll have a file ID 500 with a comment of "great" by user ID 234 for example - useless unless you know the user ID's) and I'm not giving out ANY user information. Ever.

Screenshots of all files will come as a big package... all 1.4Gb of screenshots in a single file. The files SQL dump links the files to their screenshot names.
"Science is this extraordinary transnational, transcultural, trans-everything language which is the only way to discover Truth and its regrettable that billions are still stuck in the Middle Ages believing the crap propagated by Popes and priests..."
- Peter Atkins  
 Modified Mar 22nd, 07:05pm by Garner
Sephiroth_RIC   Posted 22nd Mar 2011 7:11pm
L4Y Member
Post 156 / 381

wooh way to go red-faction!
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