Its been going 10 and a half years but sadly the time has come to say goodbye. In the coming weeks the site will close and all files hosted here will be no more... 
If you are a site owner for a game we support and would like a nice big file of everything we host for that particular game, PM me with your website address and I'll send you a link in a few days to a tar.gz and database SQL dump of the files table so you can easily catalogue it on your own site. I'd like to think the files will still be hosted somewhere... once the site shuts I'll direct people visiting here to your sites so they can find where the files ended up. Consider it a parting gift from L4Y to other community sites!
I'll still be around and L4Y will remain mine. Planetary Command will probably remain online (address to be decided still) and I'm in the final stages of an Xbox 360 indie game - you'll hear more about that here soon... 
For now, I wish you all (except a certain person in Mauritius who was legally bound to buying L4Y... but never paid up ) the best in everything you do and for the thank you all for the 3767 days we were online. 136 million page views and 4.5 million downloads are nice achievements and beyond everything expected when we launched in November 2000 with Decent 3 and Delta Force. Most of you here have probably never played either... !
Roger aka "Garner" |
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